Monday 11 May 2015

How to take care of your body in autumn

Autumn is often considered as a season of cold and flu, and most of us struggle through this season by keeping tabs of antibiotics (which can do lots harms). However, in Ayurveda it is possible to take care of yourself e without popping antibiotics every day.

Ayurveda Dubai
According to Ayurveda Dubai, in autumn our Vata dosha lost its balance because of extreme dryness in weather. In autumn, most of us suffer from diseases like dry skin, chapped lips and dry nasal passages. Most of us complain about bloating, gas and other digestive disorders. Insomnia disrupted sleep patterns, cold hands, and cold sensitivity and create an imbalance. In some people, it will cause poor concentration, hyperactivity, anxiety and fearfulness.

Here are top Ayurveda ways to prevent these symptoms:

Reduce stress levels:

Stress can affect the functioning of the immune system, and leave your body to illness. According to Ayurveda and other health experts, to get a healthy body and mind, it is really important to reduce your stress levels. According to a study published in Health Psychology, “severe chronic stress”, lasting for more than a month, can double your chances to get sick.

So make it your priority to reduce stress levels because if you let it control you, it will do a lot of harm to your body and mind.

Get more sleep:

Getting more sleep will reduce your stress levels by offering deep relaxations. According to researches Carnegie Mellon found that people who get less than seven hours of sleep nightly will have higher chances of catching colds and temperature.

Take benefits of alternate nostril breathing:

To reduce congestions and mucous build up, often alternate nostril breathing is recommended.

Cleanse your sinuses:

To prevent colds, flu and extreme dryness, Ayurveda experts often suggest us to use Neti wash, a kind of pot that is used to cleanse the nostril. It is recommended to use iodine free salt mixed in the water to cleanse the nostril area. Moreover, Ayurveda experts recommend on using nose oils and powders to clear the toxic build-up.

Neti wash flush out the bacteria, viruses, excess mucus and dust. To prepare the Neti wash mix ¼ tsp of non-iodized salt into one cup of filtered, pre-boiled and distilled water. Bend over a sink insert the tip of the Neti pot into your nostril and tilt your head a little letting the saline mixture pass through your nasal passages. Repeat the procedure two to three times and clear all the sinuses.

Saline nasal irrigation can be beneficial for treating chronic sinus, seasonal allergies, and cold. According to medical experts, most sinus problems originate with dry and irritated sinuses.

Use hot oil massage:

Hot oil massages will benefit in reducing anxiety and stress, in most cases Ayurveda experts suggest sesame oil in the fall, the warming qualities will prevent the body from cold and dry effects of weather.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Ayurveda treatment for diseases: Drinking water out of copper vessel

Why water from a copper vessel?

Copper is an essential metal that is another important metal element our body needs, also it is well known for its antimicrobial properties. Scientific studies have shown that copper works in removing toxic elements from the water, and due to this it is often called the ‘Oligodynamic’. 
Ayurveda Dubai
Since our body cannot produce Copper on its own, we need to take it from external sources. One thing to state clearly that copper can be obtained from legumes, dark leafy greens, nuts, and seafood – however, these sources can only provide a limited supply of copper. For the sufficient supply of copper, in Ayurveda Dubai it is recommended to use copper-infused water. It is really important to know what copper-infused water can do to our body.


Here are some great benefits of copper infused water:

  • It can detoxify the body, ionize it and balance the overall body functions. We should remember that in most places water is acidic, which cause PH imbalance and becomes the prime source of various diseases.
  • Additionally, it will reduce inflammation, boost immunity and improve digestive operations.

How to create copper-infused water?

For copper-infused water, a vessel made from copper is essential; you can look into your grandmother’s kitchen for this or can visit your nearest antique shop.

After that clean your vessel with the help of lemon (simply cut it into two halves and scrub the vessel) and then rinse it well, you will have a clean, ready to use the copper vessel.

  • Place your copper vessel in a clean place in your home, and then fill it with fresh water every evening and let the water sits there for the whole night. Copper will start infusing in the water if there is full moon place the vessel under the moonlight. The water will not only absorb copper benefits, but also moon’s cooling and nourishing qualities will supercharge it.
  • Wake up in the morning and start sipping the water, some people use the same water with lemon and honey to kick start their day.
  • The only misconception I like to change about, how water will taste, it will initially smell like pennies, but gradually you will get used to it. Moreover, there are no side effects, so it is perfectly safe for every age group.

Ayurveda history of copper infused water:

Ayurveda uses natural methods to treat different ailments, and it largely depends on materials/elements available in its natural form. Ayurveda believes in balance and when the balance disturbed, diseases attack our bodies. It believes that stressful lifestyle is the reason of imbalance and to bring back the balance, water can be used as a medicine. So it is recommended to use copper-infused water because it has a lot of benefits.

Moreover, if you want to be more experimental and can invest some huge amount, you can use vessels made from gold and silver. Both of these elements are proven to be the youth elixir. In ancient Roman history, people use gold utensils because they believe that it will keep them young. And we all know how young and strong they were. Copper infused water will ensure that your body can get rid of toxic build-up, the prime cause of body imbalance, so even if you are not aware with Ayurveda I recommend you to give it a try.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Ayurveda - Historical Approach To Health Care

Ayurveda is based on careful observations, and it has proper documentation like other sciences. But it is different from other medical treatment because its prime focus is on individual treatment – each regimen is designed according to individual needs. Ayurveda believes in that every person is different, and it treats individuals using a different formula that is specifically designed for their body’ needs. 

How it is effective?

In Asia Ayurveda is being used to treat different types of diseases, however, western cultures have been embracing this holistic way of living in recent times. Ayurveda works on three principals better known as Kapha, Vata and Pitta. Ayurveda practitioners help people keep them inside and outside balanced and healthy. Ayurveda is translated as “knowledge of life” or sometimes “the science of life”, Ayurveda Dubai can help people in obtaining physical, as well as spiritual well-being. Ayurveda is not just a treatment for particular diseases, but it is a preventive method to live healthily. Here are top five benefits of Ayurveda that we want to share with our readers:

  • Ayurveda deals with certain diseases using all natural methods to improve patient’s physical, mental and psychological condition.
  • The ingredients used in Ayurveda medicines are derived from natural herbs, flowers, fruits and everything available naturally. Everything is simple and close to nature, that is why minimal side effects have.
  • Ayurveda has been found to treat effective cure for chronic diseases such as fatigue, headaches, back pain and stress.
  •  An Ayurveda treatment is based on natural medicines and healthy changes in an individual’s body and will have longer effects on the body than Allopathic medicines.
  • Ayurveda is not only for treating diseases, but it is a preventive method that controls the occurrence of disease.
  • Ayurveda provides proven methods to live a healthy life, such as guide us about dietary changes that will bring health benefits.
  • Ayurveda medicines are best and suitable for healthy people as well because it offers restorative moves that help a person in making healthy choices. The core purpose of Ayurveda diet is to bring positivity, alertness and balance in body and mind.
  • Another benefit of Ayurveda is that, it is close to nature that is why cheaper than any other medicinal system.
  • Ayurveda recommends herbs and spices to treat minor treatments. These herbs and spices have no side effects and provide relaxation from stress and anxiety, rejuvenate the body and keep the person healthy.

To conclude the discussion, I would suggest that individuals should follow Ayurveda guidelines if they want to live healthily and protect themselves from deadly diseases, often cause by stress and anxiety.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Ayurveda, nutrition, diet and detoxification

The study of Ayurveda works on three basic principle of energies, which are further divided into three categories (it is also believed that these energies are present in everyone and everything). The study and several observations are made on Ayurvedic lifestyle proves that this is one of the healthiest lifestyle that connects someone to nature.
ayurveda therapy

Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the name of three energies on which all Ayurveda practices are based on, where every component has its unique qualities. For instance:

Characteristics of Vata people:

It is associated with air and space movement and governs several aspects in human body that are linked to breathing, tissue movement, muscle building and blinking. When Vata is in perfect balance it allows someone to be more creative and flexible. Conversely to this it produces fear and anxiety. People with balanced Vata energy are:

  • Mindful and creative
  • Imaginative and quick learners
  • Lean and walk fast, however, often feel discomfort in cold climates.
  • They have excitable and lively personality.
  • Vata people often show mood swings, but in the longer run they exciting personalities. Moreover, they often overreact because they have short energy span that last for short while.
  • They have irregular daily routine, and have diverse skill set.

What they must do?

Vata people often suffer from the digestive disorder and in Ayurveda; an imbalance digestive system is the root cause of various diseases. So it is really important to keep it healthy. To help people in dealing with digestive problems, Ayurveda has set some rules to follow. Ayurveda emphasize on inner peace and relaxation because it will help the body to calm down and allow it to function properly. Ayurveda believes that every individual is different and their digestive system as well. However, there are certain guidelines that if followed, will nourish the digestive system and help it in proper functioning.

For instance:

  • One should start their day with one glass of lukewarm water, and can add juice of half lemon and honey to taste. It will not only alkalize the body, but flush all the toxins. One can add one tablespoon of organic rose water which is excellent for treating constipation and ulcers.
  • One must include all tastes in their meals, moreover, always remember that if you want to live healthy you must eat freshly cooked food.
  • Adding fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables not only improve your digestion, but they will provide your body all required nutrition.
  • Always follow 80:20 rule, which means eat when you stomach is 80% full and leave when 20% is left, while eating a meal. It will not only boost your metabolism, but help you lose weight as well.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Therapeutic usage of honey in Ayurveda

Honey is one of the oldest forms of food, and medicines which is used widely because of its therapeutic benefits. It is sweet in taste and globally more than one thousand types of honey are available. Vedic civilization and modern science, both agreed on the health benefits of honey.


Food value of Honey:

Honey is sweet in taste because it has the perfect combination of fructose, glucose and sucrose. Where each sugar element has its own unique properties, such as:
  • Glucose is the simplest form of sugar and it is present in the blood of animals, fruits and some vegetables. It has ability to restore oxygen levels, which are replaced by lactic acid often caused by stress.
  • Fructose or grape sugar or laevulose, it can easily be crystallized than glucose and build up tissues.
  • Sucrose is a combination of both fructose and glucose. This is a gummy substance, and often found in small quantity, but it makes honey digestible and tasty.

Therapeutic benefits of Honey:

Honey not only tastes good, but it has the plethora of benefits and can be used as a medicine.

  • Honey is one of the finest sources of energy and heat. Honey has carbohydrates that are very easy to digest and make it one of the most healthy food so far ¬– it has ability to penetrate directly into the bloodstream thus provide the instantaneous energy to the body.
  • In Ayurveda Dubai, honey is considered a boon to those with weak digestions and according to Ayurvedic texts all body organs respond well to honey and that is why it is called all-purpose medicine that can be given without any doubt to infants and adults of every age.
  • Ayurveda, pushes people to drink one glass of lukewarm water with the juice of half lemon and one tablespoon of honey, and take it as the first thing in the morning. This is considered as a power drink and can heal various types of diseases, including hyperacidity, obesity, hypertension, constipation and many more.
  • Honey is equally healthy for the heart and often used to treat heart related health disorders and also to strengthen the heart. Honey is easy in digestion, and does not cause flatulence and can promote bowel movement. It can be easily added to all meals of the day and in Ayurveda, it is known as the best elixir for weak hearts.
  • Honey can treat anemia as it has remarkable tendency to build hemoglobin in the body, largely due to the iron, manganese and copper presence in it. Honey helps to retain the right balance of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscles.
  • Honey has its unique benefits for skin, and also it can cure treatment of sores and wounds. Honey also soothes pain, treat itchiness and also prevent acne. 

Honey is all in one solution for various health problems, and its regular usage prevents various types of diseases.

Saturday 28 March 2015

How to eat healthy with Ayurveda

“We are what we eat”, is a good old saying and probably the one rule all healthy people on earth are swearing by. But how about common people who love to eat French fries and burgers every other day, how they know, how to eat good. Ayurveda is a holistic approach towards well being with great emphasize on clean eating.

How Ayurveda is different?

Ayurveda is quite different from other lifestyle approaches as it declares every individual is different and their dietary needs are also very different. The importance is given to diet and nutrition is exceptional in Ayurveda and often, it is used to cure all kinds of diseases. In Ayurveda, conversion of food into nutrition is called Agni or fire in Ayurveda. However, in Ayurveda a vegetarian diet is preferred and eating freshly cooked meal is advising all the time. According to experts of Ayurveda Dubai, individual diet should consist of rich amounts of vegetables, whole grains, fruits and herbs and in order to get a healthy body, certain foods are avoided such as white flour, starchy foods and processed or frozen meals.

A good meal as suggested by Ayurveda usually includes adding different colors and all six flavors (savory, sweet, sour, bitter, etc.) in one-day meal. All these flavors, textures, and tastes will soothe all body senses and fill their everyday needs and provide healthy nutrients. Ayurveda discourages the use of meat (any kind) and consumption of alcohol and coffee.

Importance of herbs and spices:

In Ayurveda herbs and spices play a vital part in everyday meal and recipes. According to Ayurveda consumption of different herbs before, during and after the meal can bring healthy effects. Herbs are known to boost the digestive ability of a body. For instance, adding lemon into your diet before eating a meal can boost the appetite. Adding cinnamon to your meal can protect you from getting a heart attack, stroke and aid in digesting the food. Ayurveda suggests that eating spices are better when they are cooked so preferably add them when preparing your meal and enjoy the benefits.

How to eat according to Ayurveda?

Ayurveda emphasizes on eating according to your Dosha and suggests that every Dosha has different needs. Moreover, eating fresh fruits and vegetables or freshly cooked food can help in ditching different ailments. And if you will start living an Ayurvedic life you will enjoy a healthy life after receiving immunity from diseases, better digestion (poor gut can cause plenty of diseases), strength, better sleep and concentration. These are some great rules for healthy living and offered by a century-old lifestyle. How can we forget about the rage Paleo diet brought in western countries, but we cannot forget that Ayurveda is also centuries old practice that satisfies all natural needs of the human body? And also the diet pattern offered by Ayurveda is tastier than Paleo diet, but offer the same benefits. You can get bored with the Paleo diet because it just focuses on what you can eat while Ayurveda sync with your daily routine and help you in not only eating better, but living a healthy lifestyle.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

How modern Ayurveda is providing a holistic approach to health

Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of traditional medicine still being practiced in Asian region, but this holistic approach to health is flaring up the European and UAE region because of its numerous  health benefits. So, what it is and how its modern form is helping us in getting the best health even living the stressful life.

So Ayurveda is considered science of living long life as it is based on the theory that human life can be prolonged when it is connected with nature strongly. Ayurveda treats different diseases using all natural elements so it has no side effects. Here are a detailed overview on Ayurveda and how it is helping people in living a life of their dreams.

Ayurveda has its roots in Indian origin where it has been practiced around 5000 thousand years ago. But do you know that it has great scientific influence too which may satisfy modern man’s curiosity? So here are some of the interesting facts that must be realized before opting for this holistic health treatment.

  • However, it is not a medical treatment, but a lifestyle that can be used to achieve holistic health. However, this is frequently practiced in health spas and some resorts offering people peace of mind and helping them in achieving a revitalized body and mind.
  • There are different medicines that are based on all natural herbs are used to treat different diseases – and these medicines are hitting Dubai market too. In fact, different western universities are offering courses in an alternative medicine practice and thousands of people are considering this treatment over traditional medical procedures.

The allure of Ayurveda is it's pure and natural approach of treating diseases like depression, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. there are two core purposes of Ayurveda Dubai treatments and they are:

  • It treats the symptoms of diseases by identifying the root cause and help individuals in strengthening their immune system. This will act as a proactive approach towards health where diseases are cured before they do harm to the body. This kind of treatment may have used a holistic approach which incorporates in daily routine from eating to drinking and getting some exercise it tells everything to live a good life.
  • The other purpose is to treat a certain kind of disease or speed up the process of recovery when it is combined with regular medical treatments. Do you know you can treat or control diabetes by doing small changes in your diet? And how you can determine what kind of changes is suitable for your overall body? Ayurveda can answer all your questions as it works on four natural elements water, air, earth, and fire. When you know your element you can treat any kind of disease using your diet.

Ayurveda is based on a proactive approach, so if you want to live a healthy life you need to incorporate Ayurveda into your daily life, it will act as preventive shield against different diseases.