Friday, 30 January 2015

Sick of Syringes, Canola and Bitter Medicines? Switch to Ayurveda in Dubai for a Better Experience

Ayurveda is pronounced as Ah yur vay dah which in literal terms refers to the science of life. The conventional science of Ayurveda has been continually known to be the traditional medicinal system from India for as long as 50 decades. The central attention of this treatment is to ensure all the time, the long lasting positive effects of body by retaining and putting forward the idea of a well ordered health.

Ayurveda in Dubai

According to Ayurvedic treatment, the majority of us when born were shaped firmly into an anticipated binding which is known as dosha. Doshas are multiple which can be important as well as unimportant. The important ones rest their base upon the combination of 5 things found universally. These doshas play an important role such as Vatta, Pita, and Kappha.

Human beings are different from one another. This is because there are variations in each human body with respect to the doshas described earlier. These doshas as described in this therapy contain the capacity to go out of order and perform in a way in which it is not supposed to perform. This is where Ayurvedic therapies are needed to bring back the body balance to restore the natural wellbeing. In Dubai, especially, people are very advanced and dislike the conventional methods because they are obsolete, however, there is a quote that old is gold and therefore until and unless one does not tries the power of natural products, and they don’t understand the magic it causes.

Ayurveda brings the body to balance by restoring the doshas with respect to each person’s unique dosha assembly. Pulse is checked, tongue movement is diagnosed, and also the physical body exam is important in this process. Then comes the next stage where diet instructions, herbal application, exercise, fitness and yoga, and similarly other general tips for improving the lifestyle through therapy is given.

Ayurveda in Dubai can’t be simply looked upon like an alternate to the allopathic medicine, but rather it is self-sufficient to make others switch from the allopathic to this conventional way of medicine. Reason being, it does several tasks and not only one. It restores any damages, causes in the body, it strengthens a human immunity, and also helps in retaining from diseases tom come back later on.

Following are some of the many diseases for which Ayurveda has been proved to be beneficial:

  1. Arthritis
  2. Asthma
  3. Blood Pressure
  4. Cancer
  5. Cholesterol
  6. Cold
  7. Cough
  8. Diabetes
  9. Epilepsy
  10. Fistula
  11. Heart Disease
  12. Impotence
  13. Infertility
  14. Kidney failure
  15. Kidney Stones
  16. Leucoderma
  17. Memory
  18. Menopause
  19. Migraine
  20. Obesity
  21. Piles
  22. Psoriasis
  23. Sex Problems
  24. Sinusitis
  25. Skin Care
  26. Stomach Problems
  27. Stress
  28. Thyroid
  29. Tuberculosis
  30. Weight Gain
  31. Weight Loss

Thursday, 22 January 2015

How to Live Healthy with Ayurveda?

Everyone living in Dubai and other metropolis cities want to stay healthy, but they are not clear about what to do? Ayurveda offers centuries old practices to stay healthy, all we need to do is to incorporate few basic practices in our daily life. Here are some of the most important, healthy yet very simple practices to follow.

Eat warm fresh food:

Stress, anxiety, and depression are the most commonly heard name of diseases which almost everyone today has to face every day. However, most of us don’t know that stress increase in adrenalin, which will disturb the digestive system. So, to avoid such issues it is recommended in Ayurveda to eat fresh and warm food as it needs less time to digest. In this treatment, warm food with slightly oily side will be a treat for your digestive system as it is healthy and needs less time in digestion.

Ayurveda Treatment

It is recommended to eat fresh vegetables, and try to cook something fresh every day, avoid canned or processed food as it is loaded with salt and processed sugar making them hard to digest. On the other side, microwave ovens are also bad for your food as they take out the moisture of food and make it rough and hard to digest.

Getting good sleep

A good night’s sleep is the main pillar of a healthy body and according to this treatment, it is very important to protect your night’s sleep. It is believed that restless senses will lead to disease while a good rest will allow them to rejuvenate. However, sleep hours depend on the age too, for instance, babies sleep throughout the day while elders only need five to six hours per night. However, it is really important to sleep in the night rather leaving your sleep for late mornings. In addition to that, sleeping in the day is not recommended in Ayurveda Dubai as it may lead to gasses and blood flow. So, start making your routine and lay down for a good sleep around 10.p.m as this is the time of Kapha Dosha (heaviness, dullness and slowness) and it will make you feel sleepy, while waking up late will increase your pitta and keeps you awake.


Meditation is one of the most important way to keep your body, mind and soul healthy and on the lighter side. However, there are many ways to meditate and it isn’t important that how you do it, but it is important that you must do it every day. Start with making a commitment for 20 minutes twice a day and things will eventually fall in the right place for you and you will start enjoying its benefits.

Meditation will keep your mind healthy; as it helps you switch off your mind for deeper relaxation than sleeping. Over the time, you will see how it will benefit you as you will start making better choices and will enjoy a healthy life.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Three Simple Ayurveda Tips to Stay Healthy This Fall

Ayurveda offers a healthy way of living and for people who want to stay fit in this chilling weather can get lots of benefits. Here is how Ayurveda can help everyone living in Dubai:

Ayurveda Dubai

  1. Drink warm water with lemon, the very first thing in the morning as it has bundle of benefits. What lemon has in it, here are some details. Lemon has the ability to alkalize the body; its acidic qualities encourage regularity which is vital to keep track of your digestion system as it detoxifies it. This product likes to keep things in a simple flow to keep the body healthy and toxin free. And lemons are the power packs of vitamins and minerals that help in body detoxification. So, remember the health mantra, juice of ½ lemons into a cup of warm water every morning and you will feel the difference.

  2. Scrap your tongue: it is not a weird thing, many people do that in the morning and surely it will keep you healthy. How this natural product can help you in getting your health back even in the fall? The product teaches us to see what’s going inside our body and for that it asks you to check your tongue every morning. Your tongue can give you much more information than you actually think, such as how your digestive system is? If you can see a layer of fuzz, the quivers, film and/or bumps on your tongue can represent clogged organs or undigested food of the night. To detoxify the body Ayurveda product suggests drinking of detoxifying juices (such as green juice). But, first you want to clean your tongue so that you cannot ingest them into your digestive system. For this, you need to use a tongue scraper (most toothbrushes have this feature or you can use the edge of a stainless steel spoon). Scrape the tongue with soft hands; do not become rude after all it's your tongue. You can get a clean tongue between seven and fourteen strokes.

  3. Revitalize your body with a green smoothie for breakfast - The best and healthy way to detoxify your body. It is one of the best things one can have in the morning and there are several recipes available on the internet. However, this product encourages people to add fruits and vegetables, which are available during the season (fresh and organic) because they have perfect alignment with the nature and offer nutrient which are required by the body to battle with cold weather. For example, this is fall season and nature has a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits to combat this harsh, cold and dull weather. This means we have to get a seasonal thing loaded with minerals and water content to combat the dryness in the weather.

Add all the flavors in your diet that are sweet, salty, and sour and bitter too. According to Ayurveda fall season is more of dull and dry weather and it is better to eat things which have opposite properties.