Saturday, 7 March 2015

Quick weight loss with the help of Ayurveda

Ayurveda has changing people’s life for centuries as it holds a lot of great stuff, but do you know that it can still help people that are trying to lose weight. Obesity and abnormal weight gain are one of the prime causes of joint pain, diabetes, heart diseases, etc. But here we are discussing the weight issues such as how people gain weight and what they can follow to lose all extra weight. It is vital to know how to actually lose weight effectively.

Ayurveda Dubai Center

Why weight gain is not healthy?

If your weight (weight that is higher than your BMI) then you are considered as overweight and you must shed those extra pounds to get back into shape and achieve that good posture. But do you know what can hurt you even more; here are some important things I would like to mention about obesity.

It can hurt patient’s self-esteem; lower the confidence and sometimes lead to acute depression.

It is not just the outlook issue as weight gain can lead or is a reason to serious health problems including high blood pressure, Diabetes, etc.

Do you know its causes?

How to lose weight? Is one of the most commonly asked questions and I often ask them not to do crash dieting, because if you have no idea why you gain weight, you cannot treat it effectively, so being a health practitioner I would like to give you some important facts about gaining weight.

Some people overeat, do you know why ?

  • They are sad/lonely/ depressed.
  • The lifestyle they are living is luxurious or they are living an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Improper diet or lack of exercise or even hypothyroidism can lead to instant weight gain.

Here is how one can treat weight gain issues using simple Ayurveda Dubai remedies (just remember that Ayurveda is a lifestyle, so incorporate these remedies as part of your lifestyle, not an occasionally routine).

The first natural remedy to perk up your morning and it is using black pepper, lemon juice, and honey. This is how you can make your morning drink:
  • First, take one glass of lukewarm water.
  • Then add one teaspoon of black pepper powder.
  • After that add 4 tbsp. Of lemon juice followed by 1 tsp. Of honey.
  • Drink this drink every day.

This will not only vitalize your mind and body, but also speed up the metabolism of your body and help you lose weight fast.

The other step is moving your body, yes exercise daily.

Now it is time to eat something so opt for a bowl of cabbage as it is really helpful in losing weight and honestly it is loaded with plenty of good nutrients.

Try adding foods that can speed up your metabolism and there is a strict no to junk food (burgers, chips, etc.). In Ayurveda anything preserved for the long term is considered unhealthy, so look for fresh fruits and vegetables. Or something which is prepared freshly from all natural ingredients, they are healthy.

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